Category Archives: Writing

Behind the scenes – Dirty Little War

Recently I had fun doing an interview for I Heart Sapphic about my novel Dirty Little War. The original idea is almost a decade old now, so it was a fun little jaunt down memory lane.

The rest of this post contains spoilers etc as well as some writing craft talk.

As I wrote in the interview:

…[I found] a grimy pub that didn’t feel entirely safe, but did free coffee refills. I pulled out a notebook – a Field Notes book I can still picture clearly – and, inspired by that place, I came up with the entire plot in about an hour.

Talking about it again made me want to hunt through my notebooks to see if my memory was playing tricks on me. This was no small feat – I have over 60 completed Field Notes. Much to my delight, I was able to find it relatively quickly:

One of the reasons I like Field Notes is they look good a little battered by time. I flipped through the pages and there it was, the original brainstorming. Clearly Taylor Swift must have been in my ears at the time.

This is fairly typical of my process. I’ll noodle around with some random concepts until a character comes to me. Often there will be some kind of musical association, even if it never makes it into the final version. On the following page, Carmen and Evie are there, even if they don’t have names yet.

I didn’t remember this until I went back, but originally Carmen was the main character. I built most things on her personality and background. But when it came to actually writing, it was Evie’s point of view that was more interesting. Carmen was the enigma, the unattainable, best examined from the outside.

Apparently, the title was there from the beginning too. Another thing that is quite unusual in the world of writing.

Next came the rough outline. As I mentioned in the interview, it was all done in one sitting. Flicking through the book, I can see my memory there was also correct. Usually, I have chapters with at least the point of view. Here, instead, it was a stream of consciousness brain dump of the plot, with the key points I needed to get across to keep things moving.

From there, the rest would have taken place in Scrivener. I always plot by hand, but write digitally. Look at that scrawl. 80,000 words of that chicken scratch would be utterly incomprehensible.

I feel like the post it notes were probably added later, once the characters had names and their connections were important. It was probably my way of keeping track of the other characters I was introducing in the story and whose side they were on.

Throughout it all, there is a clear atmosphere of threat and menace. The attraction between the two women has to survive some pretty serious odds. The consequences of choosing each other are logically not worth it, but in my experience, people never take the logical route once desire becomes involved.

Most of my writing isn’t rainbows and kittens. I know that puts a lot of people off when it comes to romance. I put my characters through hell to get them to the end. It makes the payoff sweeter.

That was a fun little wander through how I do what I do and why I love it. Books I write under various pen names follow the same process, but this will remain one that is special to me.

Plenty of people wanted a sequel, but I didn’t have enough of a story for a whole novel. Still, it was nice to give them some closure. If you want to read it, you can grab it here. It’s called Almost Heaven. Jon Denver was in my ear for that one. Quite the departure from Taylor Swift, but full circle in other ways, I suppose.

Thanks for reading! At the time of publishing, Dirty Little War is on sale for $2.99 as part of the I Heart Sapphic Reading Challenge under the category of Forbidden Relationships, so you can grab it here. It’s also part of Kindle Unlimited for those voracious readers amongst you.

Five Years Has Gone By So Fast

The downside of not publishing because of external factors is that it is so hard to get going again. The past few years have been challenging on the personal front. Writing is like a muscle and mine was more than a little out of shape.

So finally publishing this novel has been a labor of love. I wanted to write something with dark humour. A tale of redemption. We all know that one woman who refuses to settle down, take life seriously and continues to break hearts without caring for the consequences. But what would it take to mend their ways? How would they deal with someone who didn’t fall for their charms?

The trickiest part was creating a lead character who begins as a completely unlikeable but can be redeemed in the end. But her torrid history was fun to write and gave me a chance to inject some dark humor into what could otherwise be an upsetting turn of events.

Don’t forget, stars and reviews keep the lights on for authors, so get the book and let people know what you think of it. Unless you hate it. In that case, the review button is broken, skip right along…

Read for free with Kindle Unlimited or buy now at

Get ready for summer with some free books!

Summer is on the way and I’m more than ready to celebrate the good weather. What better way than by chilling with a cocktail (or in my case a new baby) and a good book. With that in mind, I’ve picked two of kindle ebooks to be available for free as part of the I heart Lesfic Mega Sale, running May 21st-25th.


The first, Dirty Little War is one of my favourites. If you’re a Kindle Unlimited member you can read it for free now, without having to wait for the sale to start. Many readers wanted to know what happens next, so I’ve written a follow on short story that you can get here: Evie and Carmen, the final chapter.


The second, Tapas and Tangelos will also be free May 21st-25th in kindle stores globally. Set in a sleepy Spanish town where lovers meet, it’s the perfect summer beach read.


That’s my little break from baby life to author life done. Even if you’ve already read my books, head on over to the I heart Lesfic site and grab yourself a good book at an amazing price.

Looking ahead to 2018

2017 was a strange year for me, with a fair few ups and downs. I’m looking forward to doing things a bit differently over the next 12 months. I want to write more, connect with my readers more and spend less time getting pointlessly angry at social media. So what’s upcoming?

Lesbian fiction

Tis not quite the season any more, but if you’re desperate to hold onto the time when snow meant good things rather than a pain in the ass commute to work, then Happily Ever After This Christmas might be a lighthearted way of keeping the memory alive. I had great fun writing this and it was one of my high points of last year.

I’m working on a lesbian divorce story and honestly, I’m not sure how well it will go down. It’s not a comfortable read, but I think it’s an honest portrayal of many relationships. The one thing I have learned from 2017 is don’t publish something unless you’re absolutely sure. I’ll be thinking a bit longer on this one.


Lesbian Book Bingo

If you’ve been living under a rock, then you might not have heard about Jae’s Lesbian Book Bingo. It’s a fun way to read more of the books you love, branch out into some subgenres that you’ve never considered before and have the chance to win goodies along the way. Even though I’m probably not eligible for prizes as one of my books (Dirty Little War) is included, I’ll be playing along simply because it’s a great way to read more.

Check out the suggested reading list for January: Women In Uniform


Urban Fantasy

I have a (very) rough first draft of Book #4 in the Lazarus Hunter Series completed. There are still several subplots I want to interweave, but that’s not on my plan until March at the earliest. After the slowest of slow burns, things between Elizabeth and Monica reach boiling point.

Over the next few months I’ll be thinking about how to give back to fans of this series. Most likely it will be in the form of beta copies (where you’ll have chance to feedback and influence some plot points), free novellas and maybe some deleted scenes. If I move the series away from Kindle Unlimited, which is a definite possibility, then anyone on the reader team will get copies of the full series for free.

The planning is still in the early stages, but if you want to jump the queue and get involved then let me know at, especially if you’ve already left a review on one of the books.

So that’s my rough plan for 2018. It’s staying flexible because I have some major personal life changes on the way and I refuse to beat myself up this year for things beyond my control!

Wishing you a happy, book-filled 2018!

October Roundup: New Books! Free Books!

After far too long, the next 2 books in the Lazarus Hunter series are complete!

To celebrate, there’s a promo offer on all of them right now.

Blood InheritanceFree until October 29th

Black Market Blood (book 2) and Shadows of Blood (book 3) are both on a limited 0.99 offer until 8th November 2017.

That means you can get all three books for only 1.98 if you buy them before October 29th.*

*price applies to most Amazon marketplaces


I absolutely love writing this series, even if it was horribly delayed because there was a sticky plot point in Black Market Blood that has taken two years for me to fix in a way I was happy with. After some much needed rest, I’ll begin the edits to book four in December – I’m already looking forward to it.

I really hope you enjoy them and if you do, then please leave a review. Not only do I appreciate it, Amazon uses it to help other readers find my books.

For those of you who enjoy my C.K. Martin books, never fear! I have a heartwarming Christmas romance coming out at the beginning of December. More details heading your way soon!


Why I’ve used a new pen name for an old book

It has been absolute chaos, but I have finally completed the behind the scenes, messy task of disentangling Blood Inheritance from the author name C.K. Martin and moving it over to a new pen name, Cas Martin.

The great news is, now that the boring back-end stuff is done, I’m excited to be able to release books 2 and 3, Black Market Blood and Shadows of Blood.

Having two separate author names is a lot of effort, so why bother? Simply this: to make it easier for readers, even if it does make it harder for me.

Many of my books fall under the heading of lesbian fiction. Some are romance, some have a lesbian protagonist. For a significant number of readers, they have found my books because that is exactly what they want – a break from the heteronormative world that is 99% of publishing.*

My fantasy books won’t always give that. Don’t get me wrong, if you’re the kind of reader who only wants to read about straight white people, then you’re not going to get that either. I write my fantasy how I experience my world, and that is female and male, gay and straight, white and black. A messy walk through life, without clear-cut boundaries. If you enjoy all genres, then explore both by all means. I just wanted to make the branding visibly different.

In terms of social media, I’m not going to pretend that they’re two separate people. So my personal Facebook profile and twitter account will stay the same, but will reference both names. As will this website. Other things specifically book related, such as Amazon author pages, Facebook pages and (if I can get it to work properly) Goodreads will be separate to avoid posting things not of interest to the majority of readers.

So apologies if things are a bit messy for awhile. I would love it if you read all of my books, but if you’re looking for something specific, then this should help you get to the books you want. You can read the blurbs for all three on the Urban Fantasy page.

Quick Links:

Cas Martin’s Amazon Page / Facebook Page

C.K. Martin’s Amazon Page / Facebook Page

*not an actual statistic, but you get what I mean.

September Roundup: Promos and short story thoughts

Current Promo (time limited offer)

Dirty Little War eBook – on sale for 0.99 September 28 – October 5.

If you enjoy this novel, don’t forget you can sign up to get a free follow on chapter by signing up here. It contains spoilers for the entire book, so don’t read it until you’ve finished!

You’ll get notified of any new releases, but that will be all (I hate spam).



Don’t forget, if you enjoy it, leave a review! 

In other news…

There’s been lots of travel this month, which is great for coming up with new ideas. I’ve got a few bubbling away, but I’m also looking forward to all the new season TV to get a feel for what is good out there right now (and to see if Supergirl can redeem itself).

I’ve got a second round of edits back for my standalone romance and also my Christmas romance, so that’s a nice stack of work in the queue. Add that to my plans to relaunch the Lazarus Hunter series in October and the final quarter of the year looks to be as busy as the first. I’m really excited about all these books though, so I can’t wait to share them with you.

Short stories have been on my mind a lot lately. I don’t know many people who read short stories in the lesbian fiction genre unless they are free. From conversations with friends, even those readers with a Kindle Unlimited subscription prefer to get something longer (and therefore of perceived better value) than a quick read. I’m conscious that my sample size is small, so if you have any strong feelings, then comment below and it might change the direction of some of my plans for 2018.


Don’t forget, if you want to take advantage of the promo, make sure to click on the links above before it expires!

August Roundup: Free book promotion and other news

Current Promos (time limited offers)



Recapture the summer with Tapas and Tangelos –  a romantic beach read set in a sleepy European town. Read for free between September 2-6.



The second book in the Detective Teddie McKay series, A Taste To Die For is on offer for only 0.99 between September 9 – 16. You can also pick up the first in the series, The Crochet Killer for the same price too.




Don’t forget, if you enjoy them, leave a review! 

In other news…

August 2017 will forever be known as the month of the great edit. Nearly all my time has been focused on The Lazarus Hunter series, which will be republished under a different name a little later in the year. It makes sense to separate this out from my lesbian fiction, even though it won’t be easy. In the long term, it will be better for everyone to keep them separate. Of course, if you are primarily a fan of that series, I’ll be providing ways for you to find it and get your hands on the next books in the series.

Another standalone romance is in the editing queue and my Christmas romance is also coming round for its next stage of edits. So with that many plates spinning, I have been quiet on social media. That looks likely to continue into September (when I throw some travel into the mix as well, just to stay on my toes) but by the time autumn rolls around, I hope to be writing some new things rather than just editing existing manuscripts.

Now, back to work!

Don’t forget, if you want to take advantage of the promos, make sure to click on the links above before they expire!

July Roundup: Current promotions, free short story and WIPs

Current Promos (time limited offers)

Dirty Little War eBook – on sale for 0.99 only until July 29.

If you enjoy this novel, don’t forget you can sign up to get a free follow on chapter by signing up here. It contains spoilers for the entire novel, so don’t read it until you’ve finished the book!

You’ll get notified of any new releases, but that will be all (I hate spam).


The Crochet Killer – You can get the eBook for FREE between July 29 – August 2.

And if you enjoy Detective Teddie McKay, then the second book in the series, A Taste To Die For is on offer for only 0.99 between July 29 – August 5

Don’t forget, if you enjoy them, leave a review! 

In other news…

July has been a strange month. I have done lots of work, but it doesn’t feel like work. That might sound like a nice perk, but when you are a hyper-focused completer-finisher like me, the guilt starts to set in. I end up feeling like I’ve not done anything at all.

Another thing with writing is that sometimes, despite your original intentions and ideas, some stories just don’t work. It can be a labour of love to write an entire novel length work. Putting it aside and letting it go doesn’t come easily. It doesn’t matter how many books you’ve completed, it happens. So take heart newbie writers out there. The key is just to pick yourself back up and keep going.

The main focus for August will be whipping the second book of the Lazarus Hunter series into shape. This has been sitting languishing for some time, but like the new novel mentioned above, there was something not quite right about it. It’s taken me literally years to work out what that is, but now that I have, I can finally make progress. This is really exciting for me as books three and four are already written and have been waiting until this one got its act together.

However, with that comes the decision of whether or not to unpublish the first book and republish the series under a different name. As much as I love the book and it does contain some slashy, subtexty goodness, I understand that those who have come to my writing via lesbian fiction might be confused by a book that doesn’t fit that genre at all. I’ve tried to make it as clear as possible in the blurb, but there is always the chance of people reading a book they don’t expect. I haven’t made the full decision on this yet, but my gut feel is that it’s the right thing to do.

Don’t forget, if you want to take advantage of the promos, make sure to click on the links above before they expire!

June Roundup: Free Dirty Little War short story and holiday sale promo

Two big announcements first:

For those of you who have read Dirty Little War and want to know what happens next, I’ve written a follow on chapter that you can get here: Evie and Carmen, the final chapter.

If you haven’t read it, then you can buy Dirty Little War or read it for free if you’re a Kindle Unlimited member. The epilogue chapter above won’t make a lot of sense and contains spoilers if you haven’t read the book.

Don’t worry about me spamming you with weekly updates once you sign up or anything like that. I’ll let you know when I’ve got a new book coming out or if I write any more free stuff, but that’s all.

As I’m giving myself a two week vacation at the beach, I thought I would celebrate the fact by putting the eBook of my most recent novel, Tapas and Tangelos on sale for only 99c in the US (99p for UK readers) for the next week. Given that it’s a summer romance, it feels appropriate! Sorry to readers from other stores around the world, but Amazon makes the rules, not me.

In other news, I’ve managed to complete two first drafts this month, which pleases me no end. Over the summer I’ll run through them with a fresh pair of eyes before sending them over to my beta readers for feedback and then the editing process can begin.

Finally, a huge thank you to everyone who has taken the time to review Tapas and Tangelos – it really is appreciated.
